Ice Breakers

Celebrity ID Game

Summary: An icebreaker where each person has a label with a famous celebrity or character name on their back.  Everyone mingles, asking “yes” or “no” questions to gain clues about the name posted on their backs.

Ages: All.  Recommended # of People: 20 and over.  Messiness Factor: No sweat.  Materials Required: Several labels with famous names on them. Recommended Setting: Indoors.

Ice Breakers

Shoe ID Game

Summary: An icebreaker where all players throw a shoe into a big pile. Grab a random shoe and find out three new facts about the person.

Ages: All. Recommended # of People: 10 and over.  Messiness Factor: Smelly. Materials Required: None.  Recommended Setting: Indoors.

Ice Breakers

First Impressions Game

Summary: An icebreaker (or party game) in which people write their first impressions of each other on a large paper taped to their backs.

Ages: 13 and up. Recommended number of people: At least 10. Works with very large groups and meetings. Mesiness factor: No mess, no stress! Materials required: A large piece of paper or posterboard for each participant, pens/markers, sturdy tape. Recommended Setting: Indoors or outdoors.

Ice Breakers

Big Wind Blows Game

Summary: Big Wind Blows is a good icebreaker that helps people get to know each other better. Players sit in a circle, with one person in the center as “the big wind.”  This person says identifies a characteristic that is true about themselves and then all players who share the same characteristic must find a new seat.

Ages: All. Recommended # of people: At least 6 players. Messiness factor: Slight running. Materials required: Chairs for each player, minus one. Recommended setting: Indoors or Outdoors.